Public consultation on Cleaning services

4 June – 30 August, 2024

During the consultation period, Nordic Ecolabelling gives you the opportunity to comment on our proposal for new criteria for Cleaning services.

Nordic Ecolabelling gives you the opportunity to comment on the proposal for new criteria for Nordic Swan Ecolabelling for Cleaning services. Your comments are important and will be considered by the national Ecolabelling boards and the Nordic Ecolabelling Board.

We look forward to your comments, which should be sent to the Nordic Ecolabelling no later than August 30, 2024, to be taken into consideration.

Please find the proposed criteria for download further down on this page.

How can comments be sent in?

Your input is most valuable to our criteria development. We prefer to receive your answers via the form below, via mail or by e-mail to

For further questions, please contact our Product Specialist
Amanda Persson, +46 8-55 55 24 71

Major changes

The most important changes compared to generation 3 are:

  • New template value for m2 pr full time employee (FTE), used for the calculation of total square metres cleaned. The value is increased with 30 % from 330 000 m2 to 430 000 m2. It is only permitted to use the template value for FTE if the applicant lacks information on frequency and square metres.
  • Stricter requirements for total consumption of cleaning products, from 400 µl/m2 to 300 µl/m2.
  • Consumption of ecolabelled cleaning products: requirement tightened from 80% to 95%, of the ordinary cleaning, laundry detergents and window cleaning.
  • Window cleaning: New requirements regarding treated water production, training and information.
  • Floor care products are no longer a part of the ecolabelled service, it is considered special cleaning.
  • Requirements for “non-ecolabelled products” are updated and tightened. 
  • Plastic bags: A new routine requirement for the reduction of plastic bags replaces the previous point score requirement.
  • Purchase of ecolabelled product and services: Previous P6 Point score requirement is updated and changed.
  • A new mandatory requirement for purchase of tissue-, toilet- and copy paper: 100% shall be ecolabelled.
  • All new purchase/leasing of vehicles shall be electrical or powered by biogas/natural gas.
  • Maximum consumption of fuel for transport is 10% stricter. The limit value is set in kWh compared to litres for petrol in previous generation.
  • Recycling of the packaging: A new mandatory requirement for sorting at source.
  • Total point score: The mandatory requirement for total point score is updated.

Documents for download

Who can provide input?

All enterprises, institutions, or persons interested in the development of the criteria for Nordic Ecolabelling of Cleaning Services are entitled to submit comments.

We kindly ask you to spread the information about this consultation to anyone interested in the proposal.

What happens next?

When the public hearing period is complete, the answers will be compiled and evaluated. For this reason, a new revised proposal for criteria will be submitted to the Swedish Ecolabelling Board and the other national committees. On this basis, the Nordic Ecolabelling Board will then decide on new criteria.

Part of the decision document is the summary of all public hearing responses together with answers from Nordic Ecolabelling. The summary will be public and available on the Ecolabelling Sweden’s web page in connection with the publication of the new criteria.

We look forward to receiving your comments no later than August 30, 2024.

Consultation regarding new criteria for Nordic Swan Ecolabelled Cleaning services 076

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