Furniture and fitments 031
The product group includes seating furniture such as chair and sofa, sleeping furniture such as bed and mattress, storage furniture including wardrobe with coat rack and hat shelf, table/desk, kitchen and bathroom fittings, as well as board/partitions and blackboard/whiteboard.
Lamps, building products, sanitary equipment, office supplies, various interior products, aids, toys, and outdoor furniture cannot be certified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel after these criteria.
Extensive requirements are set for the constituent materials, chemicals used in production, emissions of substances harmful to health and requirements related to the use phase and circular aspects such as quality, warranty, and material recycling.
The requirements include:
- Use of sustainable renewable raw materials, e.g., requirements for traceability and a minimum of 70% certified wood raw material.
- Environmental and health properties of chemicals used in production, added to the materials, or used in surface treatment. Among other things, there are strict requirements to substances that are carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction and can damage genetic material, and bans on halogenated flame retardants, fluorinated substances and antibacterial additives including nanoparticles.
- Limits for content of and low emissions of formaldehyde and VOC in relevant chemicals and materials such as adhesives, padding materials, textiles, wood-based panels, and laminate.
- Limits for energy consumption in the production of wood-based panels and laminate, as well as stand-by energy consumption for height adjustable furniture such as desks and beds.
- Test of quality and function
- Warranty, availability of spare parts and circular design.
Below you will find all the necessary documents and background information to apply for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
- Start your application process by reading the criteria document and find out if your product can obtain the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
- Read your Application Guide: "New application or change" or ""Renewal" (see below)
- Request login credentials.
- Now you are ready to enter the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal.
Please note that you may have to contact your suppliers and ask them to declare items that are included in your product. Supply them with your Application ID in the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal and direct them to the "For suppliers" tab down below.
Portal sign in Get login credentials
Should you wish to transfer your licence, please use this form.
The criteria document for furniture and fitments is an overall document for the commodity groups:
- Beds and matresses
- Kitchen and bath furniture and fitments
- Other furniture and fitments
- Upholstered furniture
Fees are charged per commodity group according to the price list below.
Valid from 1 January 2025 Amount excluding VAT Application fee
Application for a new licence 3 348 EUR Application for a renewed licence when the requirements have been tightened 1 673 EUR Annual licence fee
The licence fee for the Nordic Swan Ecolabelled products is based on their turnover in the Nordic countries The fee is 0.3 % of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries up to 30.9 million EUR.
The fee is 0.05 % of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries from 30.9 million EUR to 154.5 million EUR.
The fee is 0.01% of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries exeeding 154.5 million EUR.Minimum fee in the Nordic countries 2 232 EUR per year Fixed fee that is added for sales outside the Nordic countries 2 232 EUR per year if the turnover exceeds 300 000 EUR Fee for extension / change of licence
Fixed fee that is charged depending on how long the work takes.
Up to 4 hours 418 EUR 4–8 hours 836 EUR 8 or more hours 1 673 EUR Fee for on-site inspections
One on-site inspection in the Nordic countries is included when applying for a new or renewed licence.
Additional on-site inspection within the Nordic countries 557 EUR per visit On-site inspection outside the Nordic region, but within Europe 1 673 EUR per visit On-site inspection outside Europe 2 790 EUR per visit Additional fee for on-site inspections lasting longer than one day 1 115 EUR per day
Ecolabelling Sweden AB has no financial profit purpose and is financed through the fees above along with an annual government grant. The company is however liable for VAT according to article 56 of the European Council Directive 2006/112/EC.
Invoicing is made in SEK with the exchange rate from the first banking day of the year.
When both the applicant and the manufacturer are micro-enterprises, the application fee is reduced by 50%. A micro-enterprise is in this context defined as an enterprise with less than 10 employees and an annual turnover (of both ecolabelled and not ecolabelled products) below 2 million EUR.
The criteria document for furniture and fitments is an overall document for the commodity groups:
- Beds and matresses
- Kitchen and bath furniture and fitments
- Other furniture and fitments
- Upholstered furniture
Fees are charged per commodity group according to the price list below.
Valid from 1 January 2024 Amount excluding VAT Application fee
Application for a new licence 3 251 EUR Application for a renewed licence when the requirements have been tightened 1 625 EUR Annual licence fee
The licence fee for the Nordic Swan Ecolabelled products is based on their turnover in the Nordic countries The fee is 0,3 % of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries up to 30 million EUR.
The fee is 0,05 % of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries from 30 million EUR to 150 million EUR.
The fee is 0,01% of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries exeeding 150 million EUR.Minimum fee in the Nordic countries 2 167 EUR per year Fixed fee that is added for sales outside the Nordic countries 2 167 EUR per year if the turnover exceeds 300 000 EUR Fee for extension / change of licence
Fixed fee that is charged depending on how long the work takes.
Up to 4 hours 406 EUR 4–8 hours 812 EUR 8 or more hours 1 625 EUR Fee for on-site inspections
One on-site inspection in the Nordic countries is included when applying for a new or renewed licence.
Additional on-site inspection within the Nordic countries 541 EUR per visit On-site inspection outside the Nordic region, but within Europe 1 625 EUR per visit On-site inspection outside Europe 2 709 EUR per visit Additional fee for on-site inspections lasting longer than one day 1 083 EUR per day
Ecolabelling Sweden AB has no financial profit purpose and is financed through the fees above along with an annual government grant. The company is however liable for VAT according to article 56 of the European Council Directive 2006/112/EC.
Invoicing is made in SEK with the exchange rate from the first banking day of the year.
When both the applicant and the manufacturer are micro-enterprises, the application fee is reduced by 50%. A micro-enterprise is in this context defined as an enterprise with less than 10 employees and an annual turnover (of both ecolabelled and not ecolabelled products) below 2 million EUR.
In the criteria document, you can read about how to document and verify compliance for each requirement.
Criteria document for product group 031English / 5.9
Application help - energy requirement paperEnglish / 5.9
Application help - material overviewEnglish / 5.9
Application helpEnglish / 5.9
Thank you for helping your customers finding your items, in connection with their application to obtain a Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence.
Item is a general term for various goods and materials. For example chemicals, laminates, glass and fabrics.
Please, declare your items in the Supply Chain Declaration Portal.
5.8 ⇛ 5.9: Adjustment and prolongation of criteria
On 21 November 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to prolong the validity of the criteria with 12 months to the 31 December 2026. The tree species eucalyptus and acacia have been exempted from O30 Tree species with restricted use when used in panels made from wood and bamboo. On 13 February 2024 Nordic Ecolabelling decided that Trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA, CAS No. 15625-89-5) classified H351 have been exempted from O65 and O93 Classification of ingoing substances in chemicals used for surface treatment of wood, wood-based panels, laminate and plastic. Furthermore, the requirement for O112 Synthetic fibres now accept an alternative test-method for antimony in polyester. On 5 March 2024 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust the requirements for chemicals used in textile covers, now allowing textile manufactures to document requirements with valid Oeko-Tex 100 Class I or II certificates. The new version is 5.9.
5.7 ⇛ 5.8: Adjustment of criteria
On 12 September 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling adopted an adjustment in the requirement for surface treatment of plastic (requirement O91-O97), where an exemption is given for plastic edge bands. The requirement for O15 Circular design has been adjusted for frame beds (more options). Finally, the requirement for O110 Coatings, laminates and membranes are now also referring to O105 Flame retardants. On 10 October 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling adopted an adjustment in O18 Packaging. The requirement for a minimum proportion of recycled material in cardboard/paper has been removed. The new version is 5.8.
5.6 ⇛ 5.7: Adjustment of criteria
- O15 Circular design has been adjusted for frame beds (more options),
- O18 Packaging. The requirement for a minimum proportion of recycled material in cardboard/paper has been removed,
- surface treatment of plastic (requirement O91-O97), where an exemption is given for plastic edge bands,
- O110 Coatings, laminates and membranes are now also referring to O105 Flame retardants.
- In addition, an editorial change in O105, and in O126 (English version).
The new version is called 5.8 and is valid until 31 December 2025.
5.6 ⇛ 5.7: Adjustment of criteria
Adjustments are made in O32 and O33 (panels made of wood and/or bamboo) where exemptions are now granted for resins containing melamine classified H351 and H361 and resins containing a max of 10% by weight of methanol or phenol. Similar exemptions have been introduced in O33 (classification of ingoing substances).
The new version is called 5.7 and is valid to 31 December 2025.
5.5 ⇛ 5.6: Adjustment of criteria
Adjustment of the requirements for surface treatment of plastics (O92-O94) where exceptions now are given for UV products classified as environmentally hazardous if the UV products are applied in a closed system with collection of any waste. Requirement O34 har also been adjusted and melmine is now exempt.
The new version is called 5.6 and is valid to 31 December 2025.
5.4 ⇛ 5.5: Adjustment of criteria
An adjustment of the requirements on steel and aluminium (O80 and O81) regarding traceability.
The new version is called 5.5 and is valid to 31 December 2025.
5.3 ⇛ 5.4: Adjustment of criteria
An adjustment of the requirements for resins that contain melamine and are used in the production of laminate: exemmptions are now granted from the prohibition of classifications H351 and H361.
The new version is called 5.4 and is valid to 31 December 2025.
5.2 ⇛ 5.3: Adjustment of criteria
Several adjustments have been made
- Flame retardants with organophosphorus will be allowed in specific cases (Requirements O104 and O144)
- Requirements for packaging of rolled-up mattresses have been adjusted (Requirement O18)
- A new energy limit value was introduced for certain wood-based boards (Requirement O38)
- A requirement for COD emissions during the wet process was introduced
In addition, an adjustment has been made to the product group definition where it is now possible to label partitions in public premises. This led to adjustments in quality requirements O4 and O5, as well as requirements for circular design (O15).
The new version is called 5.3 and is valid to 31 December 2025.5.1 ⇛ 5.2: Adjustment of criteria
An adjustment of endocrine disruptors has been made in the criteria, which affects the following requirements: O22, O34, O47, O53, O65, O74, O88, O93, O107 and O153. In addition, a clarification regarding pillows and under which product types they should originate has been done. The new version is called 5.2.
5.0 ⇛ 5.1: Adjustment of criteria
A number of adjustments have been made in various requirements, e.g. applicable de minimis limit for when requirements for prohibited and restricted wood species shall apply, requirement O65 Prohibited substances where exemptions are granted for polyaziridines that are not classified CMR, harmonization of requirements O112, 120, 121 and 158 with the revised requirements in the criteria for Nordic Ecolabelling of textiles, skinns / hides and leather. Further adjustment of requirement O51 where exceptions for certain UV products are granted. In addition, a clarification of requirements O15 Circular design has been made. The new version is called 5.1.
5.0: New criteria generation
The Nordic Ecolabelling Board has adopted en new version of criteria for Furniture and fitments. The new version, 5.0, are valid until 31 December 2025.
4.19 ⇛ 4.20: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria
The criteria has been prolonged with 6 months. The new version is called 4.20 and is valid until the 31 December 2023.
4.18 ⇛ 4.19: Adjustment of criteria
Adjustment regarding exception for melamine (CAS nr. 108-78-1).
The new version is called 4.19 and is valid to 31 June 2023.
4.17 ⇛ 4.18: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria
The criteria has been prolonged with 12 months. The new version, 4.18, valid until the 30 June 2023.
4.16 ⇛ 4.17: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria
The criteria have been prolonged with 6 months. The new version, 4.17, valid until the 31 December 2022.
4.15 ⇛ 4.16: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria
The criteria have been prolonged with 12 months. The new version, 4.16, valid until the 30 June 2022.
4.14 ⇛ 4.15: Adjustment and prolongation of criteria
- K19 and appendix 2a and 2c have been updated.
- Furthermore, the criteria have been prolonged with 15 months.
The new version, 4.15, valid until the 30 June 2021.
4.13 ⇛ 4.14: Adjustment and prolongation of criteria
- K35 and appendix 6 have been updated. In addition several editorial changes in tables have been made.
- Furthermore K65 has been removed and the criteria have been prolonged with 9 months.
The new version, 4.14, valid until the 31 March 2020.
4.12 ⇛ 4.13: Adjustment of criteria
It was decided to implement Nordic Ecolabelling’s new forestry requirements as an alternative to the present forestry requirements. The new version is 4.13.
4.11 ⇛ 4.12: Adjustment of criteria
- K4: The exemption for the use of adhesives with polychloroprene additive for mattress and upholstered furniture manufacturers, was extended until generation 4 of the criteria expires, June 30th 2019.
- An exception for formaldehyde impurities in new produced polymer has been introduced.
- An exemption for the use of epoxy acrylate in UV curing coatings has been introduced.
The new criteria version is called 4.12.
4.10 ⇛ 4.11: Adjustment and prolongation of criteria
- Editorial changes have been made in the evaluation of version 4 of the criteria.
- Requirements R16, R35, R62 and R67 have been removed.
- New requirements for HPL panels have been introduced.
- An exemtion for minor bronopol in R4: Contents and additives has been introduced.
The criteria have also been prolonged with 18 months. The new version, 4.11, is valid until June 30th, 2019.
4.9 ⇛ 4.10: Adjustment of criteria
- R67: The general part of requirement R67 Marketing has been removed.
The new version, 4.10, is valid until December 31st, 2017.
4.8 ⇛ 4.9: Prolongation of exemption
- R4: The exemption for the use of adhesives with polychloroprene additive for mattress and upholstered furniture manufacturers has been extended.
The new version, 4.9, is valid until December 31st, 2017.
4.7 ⇛ 4.8: Adjustment of criteria
- R4: The exception for use of adhesive containing polychloropren has been extended until June 30th 2015.
- R39: New material regulation for mineral raw materials used for noise cancellation.
- R60: New regulation for linoleum.
Both regulations come into force once each material exceeds five weight per cent of the furniture piece.
4.6 ⇛ 4.7: Adjustment of criteria
- R22 & R23: New information regarding the use of recycled metal in Nordic Ecolabelled furniture.
- R48–R54: Adjustment of textile criteria, primarily those criteria referred to in appendix 1, section 4.2, have been altered.
4.5 ⇛ 4.6: Prolongation of criteria's validity
The validity of Nordic Ecolabel's criteria for furniture has been extended with 18 months. The new version, 4.6, is valid until December 31st 2017.
4.4 ⇛ 4.5: Adjustment of R4 and section 2.7
- Expansion of adhesive exception in R4: The limited exception for use of adhesives with additives containing polychloroprene for mattresses is expanded and is now also valid for padded furniture.
- Adjustment of section 2.7: A lower limit of one weight per cent has been introduced for padding material in section 2.7.
In the background document below you will find reasoning and facts behind the specific requirements in the criteria document.
Here you can also read the comments, requirement for requirement, from the public hearing.
If the documents are in a Nordic language, you can get help in understanding the sections you need by contacting the product specialist in your chosen country below.
Background documentEnglish / 5.9
Consultation commentsNorwegian / 5.9
The previous criteria generation will expire on the 31 of December 2023.