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  1. Outdoor furniture, playground and park equipment 073

Outdoor furniture, playground and park equipment 073

The product group includes outdoor furniture, equipment for play and sports as well as park equipment. Among other things tables, chairs, benches, climbing frames, swings, playhouses, sandboxes, and slides for playgrounds, permanently installed fitness and parkour equipment - and fences, trellis, waste containers, flagpoles, bicycle racks and sheds.

It is also possible to certify specific construction products, toys, and indoor furniture with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel - however, this is done according to other criteria. It is not possible to certify outdoor furniture with textile or padding, fall surfaces, artificial lawns, bathing jetties and terraces.

Extensive requirements are set for constituent materials and chemicals – and the circular economy is promoted through demanding warranty and the possibility for recycling of materials.

The requirements include:

  • Use of wood from sustainably managed forests, i.e., requirements for traceability and a minimum of 70% certified wood raw materials.
  • Use of a high proportion of recycled plastic or plastic from renewable raw materials as well as a high proportion of recycled metal or metal made with lower climate footprints.
  • Environmental and health properties of chemicals used in various stages of production. Among other things, strict requirements for the use of substances that are carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction and can damage genetic material, as well as bans on halogenated flame retardants, fluorides, and nanoparticles.
  • Limits for content and emissions of formaldehyde in relevant chemicals and materials such as adhesives, and wood-based panels.
  • Limits for VOC in surface treatments.
  • Requirements for durability of wood.
  • Warranty, availability of spare parts, and circular design.

Below you will find all the necessary documents and background information to apply for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.